Baby Blue Color

Discover the beautiful Baby Blue color, its hex code, palette, meaning, and perfect color combinations.

Baby Blue Color Code

Hex Code: #89CFF0

RGB: 137, 207, 240

Baby Blue Color Palette


Baby Blue Color Meaning

Baby blue is a soft, soothing color that often represents tranquility, calmness, and peace. It is associated with baby boys and is a popular choice for nurseries and baby clothes. The color evokes feelings of serenity and can create a relaxing atmosphere in a room.

Baby Blue Color Combinations

Baby blue pairs well with a variety of colors, creating harmonious and visually pleasing combinations. Some popular combinations include:

  • White: Creates a clean and fresh look.
  • Gray: Adds a modern and sophisticated touch.
  • Pink: For a soft and playful palette.
  • Yellow: Adds a cheerful and sunny contrast.